Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Olympic Lapbook

For once I actually got the girls to do a study on an event before it actually started (and sometimes even finished). So instead of rushing the subject through, they have actually completed their study and lapbook ahead of time. A great cause for celebration!

The Fashionista's front cover.

We studied the history, different sporting events and a small bit on where the games are being held this year. We have previously done a unit study on Great Britain so I didn't really think the girls needed to labour over this again.

Because there was so much to put into this lapbook,  we had to pop an extra insert (the green page) into the lapbook.


Here's Agent Smelly working on different sports. There was a list of descriptions and they had to work out which description went inside which mini sports booklet and glue it inside.

Most of the inserts we used were from
Just be aware than many of the Olympic downloadables that you will find online will be made by our American friends and therefore aimed towards them.

The girls also made their own mascots, on the London Olympics site which they really enjoyed doing. I couldn't print them off the site so The Fashionista took some photos of the PC screen and we printed them from that. I really thought it was great that one of the mascots that could be made up was geared towards the Paralympics.

Some of the little books still need to be filled in, like keeping a medal tally on their chosen team, etc. These we'll do whilst the games are actually on.

We may even hold a mini family games and have some of our own olive trees to make some wreaths from but can do these in the two weeks between the start of term 3 and the Olympics beginning. 

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