Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The ART of Christmas wrapping ...

The gift for our gorgeous great-nephews (doesn't that make me feel old!) was far too big for any christmas wrapping that I had purchased, so I decided to wrap it in plain brown postage paper and decorate it with a few ribbons. After we had wrapped the brown paper around it, The Fashionista pleaded with me to let her decorate the paper instead. Apprehensively I agreed to it.

She had the box leaning agaist the back of the couch so The Pig and I really had no idea what she was doing until I walked past to the kitchen. I was so impressed with her start that I had to grab a picture.

She was actually copying an old picture that my Dad gave me as a wee girl ... see below

She started late in the evening and as soon as she got up the next morning she finished it (hence she's in her tie dye nightie in these pics).

At one stage she was having some troubles with an arm and asked me for some help. I automatically picked up a pencil to help re-sketch it and was yelled at kindly informed to keep my hands to myself as she was doing it! She was simply asking for advice ... oops.

Here's the finished product. I simply love his face, don't you?

Here's the artist with her work; I simply love her face even more!

I kept reminding her that her little second cousins would probably rip it to bits to get to the present, who wouldn't at that age, but their mother kindly removed the work to keep. Big kisses to her!

And the funny thing is that their mum just happened to give The Fashionista a lava lamp for her Christmas gift. She unknowingly gave her something which Fashionista has been hounding me about for ages. It is her most very favourite gift and for the past couple of days she has been disappearing into her room to check it throughout the day.

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