Thursday, May 31, 2012

Button Trees on Canvas

As we haven't done any crafts in ages, instead of working on our famous artist study today, I thought it might be nice for the girls to make something.

I saw these on Pinterest (I am a Pinterest addict!) and knew we just had to give them a go.

They are quite simple, just grab a canvas and start drawing a tree and paint it (or freehand paint if you are confident in that area) and then simply randomly glue buttons on the branches. I grabbed some cheap buttons from a couple of second-hand shops yesterday, so overall it was a pretty cheap craft.

The Fashionista thought it would be nice for a branch to come across the canvass rather than a full tree.

Agent Smelly decided she wanted to try and paint her tree with her finger. It actually gave the trunk quite a nice effect. She did use a brush for the thinner branches.

The Fashionista decided to use her Aunt's favourite colour combination, purple, blue and green and make her canvas for her as a gift.  Aunty H is going to be so delighted with it.

Agent Smelly used all the various colours we had in the container.

I had some faerie buttons so the girls decided to include them in their pictures. Can you spot them?


  1. Oh how I love these. They would make awesome presents for anyone who loves buttons (like me);)

    1. Maybe I should get the Pippins to make them then ... ;)

  2. Wow these look so cool. Actually thinking they would be a neat thing to do with the kids at school. You have a very talented Agent Smelly and Fashionista - go girls!


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