Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Miss 9 yelled at her sister and called her a "stupid-head".  

Now I don't like name calling and because it was school holidays they were starting to really annoy me with their snippity behaviour.  I had tried every other discipline trick under the sun and was at my wits end.

Then it came to me, make her write lines like we did at school when we did something wrong. So I made 
her sit at the table and write "I must not call my sister a stupid-head" 10 times.

The little cherub got down to work and wrote them out, quietly and without any complaints. I thought to myself, yes, maybe this is sinking in.

Once she finished she came and found me and handed me her sheet of paper. I look down at the sheet and there were her 10 lines BUT, right there after the lines was a paragraph that read "I only said it because Sam opened the air thing on the blow-up-bed and was siting on it to let all the air out of it. So I am not sorry."

I looked at her and all I could say was, "you left a t out of sitting".

She looked me straight in the eye and says "and even if you make me write it 100 times I won't be sorry I said it".

I had to walk away before I burst out laughing ... won't bother with that again.

Yes, I have kept the note and yes she was right her little sister was being a "stupid-head".

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